Rex London Drinks Bottle with Push Button Lid Wild Flowers

Lightweight, clear plastic drinks bottle. Its convenient features make staying hydrated while on the go so quick and easy, it's an essential travel companion! Capacity: 700 ml
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    • Screw-top lid with a secure and easy to use flip-top sports cap that springs open at the push of a button. A locking clip is included to prevent the cap from opening when the bottle is being carried or stowed away in a bag!
    • Polyester carry strap for convenient transport


    • Printed card bottle neck tag

    Safety information:

    • Food safe
    • BPA free

    Care information:

    • Hand wash only
    • Not dishwasher safe
    • Not microwave safe


    • Product materials: Body: Plastic (PCTG); Lid: Plastics (PP, PCTG), Silicone, Metal; Carry strap: Polyester; Carry strap attachment: Plastic (PP)
    • Packaging material: Bottle neck tag: Card (Commonly recyclable)
    • Product dimensions: width: 6.9cm, length: 7.4cm, height: 24.8cm, weight: 130g
      Packaged dimensions: width: 6.9cm, length: 7.5cm, height: 24.8cm, weight: 132g
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